Watson Elementary School
Phone: 604-858-9477
Fax: 604-858-8491
Address: 45305 Watson Road, Chilliwack B.C. V2R 2H5
Regular Office Hours:
Times: 7:30am-3pm
To register at Watson Elementary, or any school in SD33 please click here!
The Chilliwack School District has moved to a centralized, electronic registration system. Our schools no longer accept paper registration forms. This online process provides parents and guardians an option to register their child at any time, even over the summer break. This includes registration for K - 12, French Immersion and out of catchment requests. You will be required to:
Provide a valid email address
Upload a copy of the child’s birth certificate
Upload proof of residency
For more information and FAQ, please visit SD33 - Registration or email ereg@sd33.bc.ca
Our school goals include Reading and Social Responsibility.
- Watson Elementary staff is committed to improving student literacy. Reading is central to success in school and in life. Students read to experience enjoyment and personal satisfaction, and to learn and work more effectively.
- We recommend that students read a minimum of 30 minutes a day.
Social Responsibility
- Through a focus on Social Responsibility, Watson Elementary will promote a sense of community with students in response to school, local, national, and global issues and events. In school, students will have a wide range of opportunities to observe, model, discuss, and demonstrate socially responsible behavior.
- The British Columbia Performance Standards will be used as a resource to support ongoing instruction and assessment.