Tuesday, September 3
This is a short day. No food or supplies are needed.
8:19-Warning Bell
8:24- ALL students in Grades 1-5 will return to last year’s line-up spot to be picked up by their last year’s teacher for the first day. They will be dismissed from their last year’s lineup location at the end of the day. Some of our staff have changed. Please see the list below for the teacher who will be picking up your child on the first day if last year’s teacher is not returning.
Ms. Robinson-Ms. Clay’s last year’s class
Ms. R. Graham-Ms. Rose’s last year’s class
Ms. D. Graham-Ms.Barber’s last year’s class
Ms. Allen-Ms. McAleese’s last year’s class
New students will report to the library with Mr. O’Brennan, Ms. Vieira and other supporting staff members.
10:24-All students are dismissed from the same door as last year. New Students are dismissed from the library. Please plan ahead for a meeting place with your child.