Welcome back to the 2023-2024 school year at Watson Elementary School. We are excited for another great year with our hard working students and staff who are very dedicated to the success of all students. We are eager to meet the new families as well as welcoming back those who are already a part of the wonderful Watson community.

Our vision is to create and maintain a safe environment that ensures every member of the school community reaches their potential. Our staff have been in and out of the building these past few days preparing for students. We are excited about this school year!

The Watson Staff are committed to academic success for all students. We will do whatever it takes to help each student do their best! As our partner, we need your assistance to achieve our goal. Do you read to your child each night? No matter the age, all children benefit from hearing fluent readers. This exposes your child to quality literature that he/she may not be able to read and provides a special bonding time for you and your child. Just 20 minutes a night can make a world of difference!

You can also help by having your child arrive on time each day. There is a very high correlation between good attendance and good grades. Being punctual is an important life skill that kids can learn at an early age. This helps students begin their day on a positive note. We also need your help in reducing classroom interruptions. If you need to visit with the teacher, please do so before school or after school. If your child forgets something, please leave it at the office, and we can have them pick it up at a convenient time. Please do not pick up your child early unless you cannot make other arrangements. Our students’ learning time is precious, and as adults we need to show them that we respect what they are doing each day

Our school website has a great deal of information on it and it is regularly updated. Newsletters are generally not sent home in a paper copy but will be posted on our website during the first week of each month. 

If you have any questions please feel free to contact us at the school by phone or by email. terry_bateman@sd33.bc.ca or Jackie_berkes@sd33.bc.ca


Warm Regards,
Terry Bateman & Jackie Berkes